Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Creation A Day, Day 1: Foam Clipboards

A Creation A Day: Day 1 - Foam Clipboards

Every year I do new years resolutions my own way: as developmental goals. Last year it was no added sugar. This year, one creation every day of the year. A drawing, sculpture, invention, anything--something creative. I can't wait to look back and see that I've created about 400 things in 2015. (with my drawing business, I'm sure my average will be well over 1 per day)

Jugendstil. To be surrounded by art. It's a concept from Art Nouveau where people realized that we can make every physical object around us beautiful, with current technology. Everything can be an expression of function and beauty. So I'm gonna do it. The great thing about minimalism is, I don't have a whole lotta work to do ;). I want to open my creative mouth, speak through art, learn the languages, and find my voice. I'd like to develop myself as an artist straight through to "post-post-modernism".

TODAY I MADE: Foam Clipboards

I was at the art store bitching and moaning about how I didn't want to pay $20 for one of those standard, oversized brown drawing clipboards (look), when I found myself staring at the foam board two aisles over. It was $6. Then I realized: I will never buy a big wooden clipboard again. I already had all the cutting stuff and binder clips, and at 20x30", one foamboard wouldn't make just one clipboard but several, and I could make them different sizes. Plus they're super light, stylish, I can move the clips wherever I want, and they're thick enough to use a T-Square with. So I did it. DUN!

Plus, it's a great tool for creating more stuff, ;).

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