Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day 25: The Flying Dutchman's Treasure Mod (Board)

My brother and I are working on a Flying Dutchman's Treasure mod for Tabletop Simulator. It's the board game from the Spongebob Squarepants episode, "Arrgh!" Today we finished and imported the game board. We also made some 3d models, but that part isn't finished yet.

Screenshot from tabletop simulator

Day 24: Birdman Jugendstil

Maybe someday I'll write a blog article about just what batman means to me.

This is what happens when you watch a Batman movie and
The Simpsons Movie in the same day

Friday, January 23, 2015

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 22: Dismantled: "Kill Them With Kindness"

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 21: PB n' BS

I long for a world where public figures feel like they can be themselves and speak and act honestly. I rail against them for not having more integrity with that, but we as the community are just as responsible for this problem. Because you can't expect a person to be real if they don't feel like the listeners intend to be understanding. If you want honest speakers, you need honest listeners.

Call it the media, the other politicians, or the people at large... truth is, everyone with a voice has a responsibility to have an ear. We all have a responsibility to pay the respect of an understanding, open heart and mind to whoever is speaking.

We've all had that experience: You're really nice and understanding with someone you just met. To the point where we wonder if we should be piping up and refuting their thoughts. But within 5 minutes, they end up spilling their guts. They get really comfortable and say things like, "I can't believe I'm about to tell you this, but...", while you think things like, "I can't believe this person is telling me this, but..." "Honest" listening creates an environment for honest speaking.

I think what's really happening is the more honest politicians just aren't winning elections because our culture can't handle that kind of honesty yet--we aren't good listeners. Perhaps the one place where we should react with strong sanctions is against anyone or anything whose ear is not at least as large as their voice. And perhaps selective hearing should not be tolerated.

I still think the best leaders should speak with integrity, even in the face of bad listeners. But it's a lot easier for them if we create the environment for that. The entire world will move forward if we all take responsibility for our part. If we want honest leaders, we have to become honest listeners.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day 20: Zorp The Assassin, A Short Story Summary

Far in the future, in a galaxy with several advanced space-age species and civilizations, Zorp is a top assassin in his field with no records of any kind. He has six legs and works for an independent intelligence agency know as IA, whose business spans across much of the galaxy. Zorp was trained by the leader of the IA, Zap, a well-meaning scrupulous man of knowledge. FF8 is an independent robot colony that established it's independence only a few years ago. It's the first time this has happened in the history of this galaxy. There is much debate about whether the robots have become truly sentient or if they are still following orders, protocol, or programming. But their industrial and technological capacity is quickly establishing them as a valuable part of the galactic community.

Suspicious of the rapidly expanding robot civilization, Zorp is ordered by IA headquarters (IAHQ) to carry out an assassination of a robot entity in a public place at a key diplomatic moment. But while on the mission, the robot target is suddenly taken out by someone else. But the timing of the incident immediately makes Zorp appear red-handed in the middle of a heavily crowded and guarded area.

Guards and military units of robot and alien kind converge on Zorp. He is barely able to escape momentarily after an intense chase scene. Attempting to report the incident, FF8 is unresponsive over his communicator. He attempts to contact the FF8 again, but still nothing. He checks the digital news, and his face is all over the place, calling him a known terrorist robophobic extremist. This was no accident. Now Zorp is alone, and half the galaxy wants him dead.

Zorp takes a starship and sneaks off, but the relentless pursuers force him toward the farthest edges of the known galaxy. An unmanned probe run by a rogue FF8 program known as "F1" or "Buddha" catches up to Zorp's ship. F1 proves to Zorp that he is friendly and informs Zorp that there is only one shutdown protocol for FF8 that can save Zorp's life, and that F1 is in possession of it. The protocol would shut down FF8's whole military, but it would save Zorp's life. F1 was created by FF8 to balance it's creation of a military and aggressive systems, but has been locked out of the main chambers by his programming. To change anything in his programming could have adverse affects for the military arm of FF8. F1 needs a skilled warrior to reach the main chambers and shut down the military systems, so he forged the protocol into the form of a sword, and commenced to seek out Zorp. F1 explains that the sword will shut down any military FF8 unit if striked correctly, including the entire military arm if he thrusts the sword into one of the central military mainframes, which orbit the FF8 capital planet. "It's not just about saving your own skin, it's about saving the galaxy from what the military arm is planning."

Zorp agrees to fight his way to the FF8 planet to destroy the military mainframe with the sword and the help of F1.

With the help of F1's hacking and intel gathering, they make it most of the way to FF8. Zorp can't use the sword until the very end--to do so would signal to the FF8 that the protocol was an active threat, and give away their location. But an ambush set for them at a refueling station, catches Zorp and F1 off guard and overwhelmed. Zorp uses the sword to escape with F1 and hurtles toward the FF8 planet at full speed. Meanwhile a massive military force has been activated to intercept their ship. There is no way they will get past this.

F1 and Zorp decide that F1 will make some quick modifications to his probe to allow just enough space for Zorp to fit for a short trip. Since the FF8 can't track F1's location, they'll send the ship continuing toward the armada, but bail out early in the probe and navigate a wide path around the bulk forces.

Still encountering some resistance, they make it to a mainframe space station. Zorp gets inside but loses communication with F1. He's noticed but fights off a few enemies, makes his way to the main room, alarms bellowing loudly, and thrusts the sword into a mainframe. The alarms immediately stop. A figure walks from around the corner. It's Zap. He apologizes for the situation and explains that he had been trying for years to take control of the FF8--a virtually unpredictable unmanned weapon--and use it's military might to establish peace in the galaxy once and for all. "In other words," says Zorp, "you wanted to conquer the galaxy." He had been trying to hack their systems to no avail, until he discovered the F1 program, and found that he could tell the system to seek Zorp out as "the chosen one", and lace some coding into the protocol sword that would reconfigure the military system to his control. "Now all I need to do is reboot the system with new programming. Thanks to you, the galaxy can enter a new era of peace." (which means war) "Now that your name is clear, you can help me do the greatest good." Zorp says, "No thanks."

Just then three loud bangs and laser fire blasts through into the chamber, and the F1 probe appears. F1 looks right at Zorp and attacks him. Zorp barely dodges two attacks when Zap grabs him and immediately traps him in a pin, Zorp belly up with Zap underneath. F1 waits hovering above Zorp for Zaps orders. Zap says, "Please come to your senses! If you don't join us, I will have to have you killed." Zorp says, "NO!" and tries to escape. F1 moves in for the kill.

But just then Zorp has an epiphany. He completely relaxes and gives up. F1 immediately stops. "I don't agree with you, but I will not join you. And I will not fight you." Zap says, "Kill him! Why aren't you killing him?!" In his anger, Zap throws Zorp to the side and draws a gun. But before the gun is even raised past his hip, F1 shoots him dead. F1 then speaks to Zorp normally. Zorp's epiphany was that the protocols put into F1, and subsequently the sword, would only allow damage to come to military units. In other words, the system was only allowed to attack or destroy aggressive units. So as soon as Zorp relaxed and decided not to fight, F1 could not attack. The other military and guard units were also not attacking him. The system was designed from the beginning to be strictly peaceful and peace-keeping, and the sword thrust into the mainframe just helped equalize that system.

Zorp had defeated the real enemy, delusion and ego.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 19: Squeegee Board

It's a game where you sit in a circle and you have to make the fart noises that come about when you and some friends move the eyeglass thing around. Way more fun than a real ouija board.

Full Resolution:
Full res for anyone who wants to use it. For whatever. No judgement.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day 18: Color and Lighting Study, Star Wars

The second pic is just because the filter looked cool. Camera and light angle made the leaping Jedi look a lot lighter than it really is on paper.

Day 16: Drawings From Midtown Art Walk

I missed you, day 16. I'm so sorry. It'll never happen again (literally).
Love you,

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day 17: Drawing of Laptop

More color experimentation. And I forgot to do a creation yesterday!! I'll make up for it.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 15: Drawing and 3D Model

Forgot to post these yesterday!

The 3D model is my first ever using a smartphone. I was really excited, but kinda stressed and annoyed by the time I was done. Not a lot of control, Autodesk!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Day 12: Shower in the Drawing

Drew this crappy little number while experimenting with waterproof paper in the shower. Definitely more experimenting to come. But I found that it was like trying to draw drunk. I was relaxed, but it was hard to focus on what I was doing. And no matter what I did, it was going to turn out crappy whether I liked it or not.

The upside is that the limitation I found to the paper allows you to accidentally re-establish your reflected light and terminator shadow regions after you've already blacked it out. Because the paper can't handle a high saturation of the ballpoint pen ink I was using, so it would just start flaking off if you put too much on. But not so much that the whole thing would fall apart. So I actually have a little strip of white in there that looks perfectly intentional, but actually wasn't.

I'll find a place for this medium in my life. Shower thoughts will never again be forgot.

Got this pad at Home Depot, btw

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 11: Windows User Account Avatars

In the spirit of Jugendstil, beautifying my surroundings. This superhero style reminds me that my purpose in life is not just about me. That being true to myself is a responsibility I have not only to myself, but to my family, my community, and the world.

Kinda creep-ish
More creepish. Whatever it looks cool.

But the one below is just because I like orange.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 10: Video Collab With My Little Brother

I also took some funny pics of how this was discovered. He kept falling on his face because he would lean in weird directions with the chair.

I told him how to get up and I let him own it himself, and we got this funny video out of the deal. He's an awesome kid.

Dinosaur Death Dance-Off
This is what happens when you leave your little brother alone for too long at Michael's.

Also this:

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 8: A Pitchur of Pitchurs

A little object art today, with a little sprinkle of "stop hitting yourself".

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 7: 'Shopped Ideas for Picture Wall - Vanishing Point Tool

Got to brush up on the 'ol vanishing point tool in photoshop today. Actually, I never knew how to use it before today, I just knew it existed. Helping my mom with some ideas on how to arrange some pictures on a wall. This is not the final version at all. All the pictures aren't even up in this comp. But I got the system down and we got a good start.

I think this counts, right? As a creation for the day? We probably won't finish this project for a couple weeks, but I'm cashing it in now for my creation today.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 6: Shitty Digital Painting

Ugh, so not cool. So not cool. I don't know what was going on but it was like my wacom pen could not detect when it was no longer touching the pad. It might have been photoshop or my laptop glitching. So sad if it's my pen. I've been holding onto my intuos 2 for years. I hate every other one! Please don't die!!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 4: 2 Sketchbooks and a Drawing

Today I finished replacing the lined paper from this Guatemalan journal with blank paper, which is more my speed. Now it's a sketchbook journal. I also used the remaining scraps to make another sketchbook. The bindings are just staples.

First drawing in my other sketchbook. Sharpie. Permanent alcohol and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether ink, applied with sharpened sponge on dead bleached tree brains.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 3: Wrote About The Difference Between Tolerance and Love

You can read it here:

Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 2: Two Images Photoshopped Together

My buddy and I at a bar in Deep Ellum.

Finished products (2 variations):

Starting images: